Wednesday, December 26, 2012

5 More DIY Bathroom Ideas

As relaxing as it should be, the bathroom can occasionally be a source of some frustration.  Fogged-up mirrors, frigid towels, overly-humid air, and disorganized counter tops or drawers can get a bit annoying, especially when you’re groggy from a rough night’s sleep.

This month, we’re bringing you some ideas to make your bathroom a bit more user-friendly and luxurious.  As always, adding functionality to a room, especially your bathroom, doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style.  Click here to learn how you can turn your bathroom into a haven of comfort and relaxation.

Ventilation Solutions

This time of year brings about an interesting conundrum.  Whether you’re pumping your home full of heat or still keeping the A/C on, it’s important to keep that conditioned air locked inside.  What a waste to spend money bringing your indoor air to the perfect temperature just to have the air escape, leaving you to heat or cool new air all over again!

However, making your home air tight isn’t the best for your home or your health.  Ventilation is necessary to rid your home of natural and man-made air pollutants that build up over time.  Natural ventilation, such as opening doors and windows, is easy, but makes it difficult to control the temperature and humidity levels of your indoor air.  Luckily, there are many solutions to ventilating your home, including some that will help keep you from wasting extra energy heating or cooling fresh air.