HydroNex panels are the perfect solution for any radiantproject: floor warming, heating, or snowmelting. Pre-piped, pre-wired, and factory tested with a professionallooking enclosure, these panels will dramatically reduceinstallation times as well as virtually eliminate wiring andother start-up problems.
Each panel comes pre-wired with a 120 volt power cord. Simply plug the HydroNex panel(s) into a standard wall outlet.
Electrical connections are even easier with the CAT5 connection system. Control logic passes between panelsthough a CAT5 cable, enabling each panel to “talk” to each other. The only wiring required is to connectthe zone thermostats to the correspondingrelay terminal.
Connecting one panel to another is as easyas turning the hex nut on the brass o-ringseal union. Each union can withhold up to 100psi when only hand tightened.
Why HydroNex?
• Fast installation – Cut installation time and make more money!
• Simplify bids with fixed costs
• Easy maintenance
• Factory assembled and tested – HydroNex panels are guaranteed to perform
• Professional presentation
• Performance engineered
• Plug-n-play CAT5 electrical connectors – Reduce wiring and start up problems
• Multiple panel confi gurations
• Proper piping and component placement
• Convenient purge assemblies & control valves