Carel X-Plus HumiSteam Whole House Humidifier, 3.3Lbs/hour to 286 Lbs/hour of Steam
HumiSteam X-Plus Steam Immersed Electrode Humidifier with LCD Display Digital Controller, is the result of CAREL’s thirty-year experience in the field of steam humidification, and is the most rational choice for a wide variety of applications: civil environments, offices, industrial facilities and steam baths. The Carel humiSteam X-Plus humidifiers have been designed to offer maximum reliability, minimum maintenance and ease of use. This has been made possible by the development of custom microprocessor-based controls that fully monitor and automate all functions of humiSteam, while allowing the customer to choose between economical on/off operation or stand-alone / DDC proportional operation
By combining its engineering expertise with technological innovations, Carel has been able to redefine residential Steam Humidification by introducing THE "HEALTH CONSCIOUS" SYSTEM THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU.The operation of immersed electrode steam humidifiers is based on a very simple physical principle. As common drinking water contains a certain quantity of dissolved mineral salts, and is consequently slightly conductive, applying a voltage to metal electrodes immersed in the water creates an electric current that heats the water until producing steam (Joule effect). The quantity of steam produced is proportional to the electric current, which is in turn proportional to the level of water. This electric current is measured by a current transformer: by varying the level of water using a fill and drain electrovalve, the current, and consequently the steam production, can be precisely modulated. Due to evaporation, the level of water decreases and must therefore be topped up.
As the steam does not carry minerals, the salt concentration in the water and therefore the conductivity increases, meaning that the water has to be periodically diluted by draining part of it using the drain solenoid valve and replacing it with fresh water. In addition, lime scale is deposited over time and covers part of the cylinder, which must be replaced or cleaned.
The principle is simple, however the development of an immersed electrode humidifier that ensures safe operation and reliability over time requires careful analysis and extended testing.
CAREL has been manufacturing immersed electrode steam humidifiers since the 1970s and can draw benefit from its know-how in the field of electronic controllers: precision control, reliable electronics and sophisticated and complete control software. The CAREL solutions for immersed electrode humidifiers are humiSteam and compactSteam. Customers benefit from clean, fresh air in a more comfortable environment, while optimizing energy efficiency and protecting their homes.
Carel UE001XU0U0 X-Plus HumiSteam Whole House Humidifier at glance:
AFS SYSTEM (Anti Foaming System)
LARGE STEAM CYLINDERS with galvanised electrodes and anti-scale filter on the bottom
What is Included in Carel UE001XU0U0 X-Plus HumiSteam Whole House Humidifier?
Why Should You Have One in Your House?
During the winter months as the outside temperature drops, so does the relative humidity indoors. This dry, thirsty air begins to absorb moisture from everything it touches including woodwork, furniture, paintings, books, and even YOU. As this moisture is pulled from materials, damage to those materials can result. The paper of rare books will become brittle and yellow. The leather bindings will crack. Cracks will appear in wood floors and the finish will become dull. Furniture will warp and become loose at the joints. Rare paintings can be destroyed in a few years as the paint cracks and flakes from the canvas. Expensive carpets don't seem to last, doors no longer fit their jams, and household plants lose their heartiness. And you will suffer from uncomfortable dry nose and throat and the dreaded "door knob static electricity shock" (great for your personal computer also). The dust count will increase along with a legion of airborne opportunists such as mites, bacteria and viruses playing havoc with any allergies.
What is this Mean For YOU? That most of these nasties are least effective at making you miserable if you keep your indoor humidity in the range of 40 to 60 %. Additionally, when the relative humidity is kept above 35% most static electricity problems disappear. Most homes can reach humidity levels as low as 7% in the winter. This compares to the Sahara Desert which averages around 12% relative humidity! In new homes this dry air can also cause increased out-gassing of solvents from carpets, wood paneling and other materials, increasing the Aldehydes in the air you breathe.
Product Warranty
Limited 2 years on parts
One More Reason to have Carel Steam Humidifier in Your House
Bottom line: humidify your home to 40 to 45% and stop worrying about your furniture, artwork, books, paintings and plants. Wake up in the morning without feeling you need to drink a lake. Stop being afraid to touch a door knob for fear of being shocked. CAREL USA can provide humidification to safeguard any home, from 1,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet.
Carel UE001XU0U0 X-Plus HumiSteam Whole House Humidifier is the optimum solution for you and your family who deserves to live in excellent Indoor Air Quality.