Viessmann now offers prepackaged, specially engineered, complete, integrated Solar Water Heating Systems that make the most of the sun’s abundant energy.
All materials are highly reliable and work together to ensure superior system performance. Viessmann complete package is ready to be professionally installed quickly and easily.
All of this plus the added assurance of a detailed warranty plan. This package use Votosol 200-F flat plate solar collectors and 79 gallons Vitocell-V100 single-coil DHW tank. It does come with all items to complete installation. Mounting hardware is for Sloped or Shingled roofs.
Simplify the planning, ordering and installation of your solar system with our complete solar system packages. Choose from a single-tank system to integrate with a boiler system or from a retrofit preheat system as a preheat to an existing domestic hot water heating system.
Viessmann solar system packages are sized based on the typical domestic hot water requirements of a 3-4 person family.
Features and Benefits of the Viessmann Vitosol 200-F Solar Water Heating System:
- Optimized collection of solar energy thanks to highly efficient Sol-titanium coating.
- Rugged, high-quality construction using impact-resistant solar glass, copper, aluminum and nondegrading thermal insulation.
- 79 Gallon steel construction and Viessmann Ceraprotect permanent two-coat enamel finish.
- Maximum system performance and reliability with a full range of solar system components designed to integrate seamlessly.
- Fast installation with flexible connection pipes and quick-connect fittings. Prefabricated collector mounting hardware ensures easy connection to roofs.
- Suitable for many applications. Best suited for DHW or pool heating.
- OG-100 Certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC).
Viessmann Single Coils Tank Solar Water Heating system kit is intended for 3 to 4 person households and includes the following:
2- Vitosol 200-F, SV2 Flat Plate Solar Collectors, Total 49.5 Square Feet Area
1- 79 Gal, Vitocell-V 100 Single Coil DHW Storage Tank.
1- DN-20 Solar Divicon preassembled pumping station with integrated system fill manifold and automatic air vent and air separator.
1- SCU124 Solar Control Unit with DWH sensor and Collector temperature sensor.
1- Solar Expansion Tank 25L with mounting hardware.
1- Fast Air Vent with shut-off valve, brass piping tee and 2 brass compression couplings.
1- Pair of Interconnection Pipe between collectors.
1- General Connection Set for field ends.
1- Sensor Well Set for Vitorsol 200-F.
1- Mounting Hardware for sloped, shingled roofs.
1- Installation Fittings set to adapt from metric to 3/4" pipe.
1- Brass elbow with sensor well for tank temperature sensor.
5.3 Gallons of Tyfocor-HTL Glycol Solar Fill.
Factory tested.
Product Warranty
10 Years Panels/ 8 Years DHW Tank